Our Philosophy


Reigniting our connection to {the past}.

Reigniting our connection to {community}.

Reigniting the connection to {heritage}.

Despite spending all of our time documenting the past, we are also fundamentally  future-focused. At Ember Archaeology, we believe that development isn’t incompatible with preservation. We focus on best practices and innovative analysis.

Working collaboratively and openly ensures the stories we learn are remembered and retold. Transparency and integrity run deep here. We respect the past, the future, and the people we work with in the present. Due diligence means we interpret pieces of our past as accurately and scientifically as possible, striving for a balance of sustainable growth and development while preserving our cultural resources for future generations.


Reliability. Efficiency. Precision. They’re found in the details. With our leading management and planning systems, Ember Archaeology has a reputation for turnkey solutions. We have an unbeatable track record of meeting fieldwork deadlines, even with the complex or large-scale commitments, like transmission lines, pipelines and excavations.

Our team adapts to changing footprints, workloads, priorities and timelines at any point of a project because our focus has always been team communication and standardized processes. Bottom line? We are able to deploy resources when and where needed. 

For maximum flexibility, we structure our team in small, modular crews led by permit-status archaeologists and list multiple crew leads as alternate permit-holders on major projects. These crews are then capable of working independently while collecting consistent, standardized data. Ember Archaeology’s process and data standardization provides reliable results and quick reporting turnarounds.

Most of all, our clients rely on us to achieve their project objectives with minimal support and intervention. Projects have more than enough moving parts—Ember Archaeology’s delivery is the constant you can count on.


It’s our duty to involve the people who are impacted by development and those who help define the future. Collaboration gets us all much further ahead. We are diligent about public outreach remaining a core value at Ember Archaeology. We work to engage all ages and communities through a wide variety of interactions, including public education, digital communication, non-technical reports, and First Nations engagement.

Real, actionable engagement comes from being accountable to our partners. Whether it’s working alongside Indigenous People, government, industry clients, communities or our peers, we never forget the social, political, and cultural importance of the work we do together. We seek, and we listen.

Sharing knowledge helps the public understand the significance of preserving or documenting our past. We work to ensure our archaeology projects and services engage the communities we work in as much as possible.