Tag: Biface
By Braedy Chapman

July 2, 2023
Top sites of 2022, BC edition
Field operations in British columbia 2022 marked Ember Archaeology’s first year of significant field operations in British Columbia. Our BC crews conducted a number of sizable wildfire-related projects for the BC Ministry of Forests over the course of the season, ultimately surveying hundreds of kilometers of constructed fireguards and fuel reduction developments. These were nearly
Keep ReadingTags: 100 Mile House | Anaheim Peak | Archaeology | Arrowstone Hills | Athapaskan | Baezaeko River | Biface | British Columbia | Cache Creek | Chilcotin | CRM | Dacite | Early Nesikep | Interior Plateau | Lehman Phase | Lithics | Maiden Creek | Nazko | obsidian | projectile point | Side notched | Sites
By Fallon Hardie

February 3, 2023
Lanceolate Bifaces of The Interior Plateau, BC
Spear Points in the Forest In the summer of 2022, archaeologists Braedy Chapman and Fallon Hardie conducted archaeological impact assessments (AIA’s) on emergency wildfire rehabilitation developments. These developments were constructed to manage the spread and impact of wildfire throughout the Interior Plateau of British Columbia. Long stretches of forest have been scraped or bladed to
Keep ReadingTags: Alberta | Archaeology | Arrowstone Hills | Biface | British Columbia | Chasm Canyon | Cordilleran | CRM | Holocene | Interior Plateau | Lanceolate | Lithics | Lochnore Phase | Pleistocene | projectile point | pXRF | Shuswap Horizon | Sites | Special Finds
By Corey Cookson

March 25, 2019
Top Ten Sites of 2018!
Now that all the reporting is done, we thought it was a good time to look back on some of the exciting sites we worked on from the past year. We find over 100 sites every year but these sites stand out either because we found interesting artifacts or the site is unique. It doesn’t
Keep ReadingTags: antique glass | Athabasca River | Biface | boreal forest | calcined | faunal | Hammerstone | historic structure | Indigenous Peoples | Knife River Flint | Lithics | projectile point | Rocky Mountains | Scraper | Slave Lake | spokeshave | Strachan Forest Products | Sundre Forest Products | Weyerhaeuser Pembina Timberlands
By Corey Cookson

January 30, 2018
Peace River Chert Biface
In the summer of 2016, this tool was identified while inspecting the exposures along an in-block road for Boucher Bros Lumber. It is likely the bottom portion of a biface that broke during manufacture or use. It is made from Peace River Chert, a material common to the Peace River region.
Keep ReadingTags: Biface | Peace River Chert | stone tool | surface inspection
By Madeline Coleman

November 1, 2017
What do you see?
Everyone will interpret shapes and lines their own way. But once someone points out an image they see, sometimes you wonder “how did I not see that?”. A member of the Paul First Nations group took one look at this biface (from the Brazeau Reservoir) and saw a Bison. Can you see it? Scroll down
Keep ReadingTags: Archaeology | Biface | bison | Brazeau Reservoir | Indigenous Peoples | Paul First Nation | stone tools
By Madeline Coleman

May 17, 2016
The Brazeau Reservoir Archaeological Survey Project
The Brazeau Reservoir Archaeological Survey is a project hosted by the Strathcona Archaeological Society, and is sponsored by Tree Time Services. It currently is centred around a large campsite and workshop on the upper valley margin at the confluence of the Brazeau and Elk Rivers, located near Drayton Valley and Rocky Mountain House. The main
Keep ReadingTags: Agate Basin | Alberta | arrowhead | Biface | Brazeau Reservoir | Clovis | Drayton Valley | Hell Gap | Indigenous Peoples | Lithics | Oxbow | Plains Corner-notch | research | Rocky Mountain House | Sites | stone tool