Office Coordinator

Elenore Jankunis

Elenore Jankunis is a Permit Archaeologist and Office Coordinator for Ember Archaeology. In her role as an Archaeologist, Elenore has supported the completion of the majority of Ember’s forestry HRIAs from 2012 to 2017 throughout the Boreal and Lower Foothills sub-regions. Elenore is responsible report writing, artifact cataloguing and analysis, and training our up-and-coming Archaeologists on lab and reporting processes. Additionally, Elenore has had a hand in shaping Ember’s internal standards of practice, and Health and Safety programming. After achieving a Master’s degree in 2022, Elenore gained permit holding status in Alberta and has since completed a variety of small-scale projects throughout the Boreal.

Prior to joining Ember’s team, Elenore gained experience working as an archaeologist in several culture zones of British Columbia and the Yukon in 2005-2007, and 2009-2011. During this time, she participated in fieldwork, artifact cataloging, and reporting for projects in forestry, oil and gas, residential, utilities, and transportation sectors.

Elenore completed her undergraduate degree in archaeology at Simon Fraser University in 2005, where she developed a solid background in artifact analysis through the university’s laboratory-oriented curriculum. As part of this program, Elenore participated in the 2004 Tonga field school, where she excavated a Lapita pottery site. The following semester, Elenore was employed in a work-study position cataloging the pottery collected during the field school. After completing her courses in the spring of 2005, Elenore volunteered to excavate at Keatley Creek, the largest pit house village in British Columbia. Elenore completed the requirements for a Master’s of Arts degree in anthropology, and graduated from the University of Manitoba in 2022. Her thesis focused on flintknapper skill acquisition using lithic debitage from a Palaeo-Inuit (i.e. Pre-Dorset / Dorset) chert quarry (LbDt-1) in the southern interior of Baffin Island.

Elenore feels the happiest while outdoors, as she loves to cross-country ski, run, hike/stroll, swim, or just simply sit around a campfire with good company.