Archaeologist - Team Lead

Fallon Hardie

Fallon is an Archaeologist and Team Lead for Ember Archaeology. She joined the Ember team during her undergrad in September 2020, where she immediately took part of large scale mitigations. In her Supervisory role, Fallon is responsible for supporting Project Archaeologists by leading and directing crews in-field. During the winter months, Fallon completes laboratory analysis and final reporting tasks. She possesses years of experience in several resource industries, completing Heritage Resource Impact Assessments in the Interior Plateau of British Columbia and the Lower Foothill and Boreal regions of Alberta. This background affords Fallon the confidence, flexibility and adaptability necessary to safely lead crews through the wilderness and complete projects under budget.

Fallon received her Bachelor of Arts from MacEwan University, majoring in Anthropology and minoring in Earth Sciences. Her primary areas of interest continue to include Geomorphology, Quaternary Environments, and Zooarchaology. During her time at MacEwan, she fulfilled the role of Vice President for the MacEwan Anthropology Student Society (M.A.S.S) and participated in several Archaeological community engagement programs. In 2019, Fallon participated in the University of New Brunswick’s Bioarchaeology field school, where she joined a team of dedicated researchers, students, Parks Canada professionals, and the local Mi’kmaw community to excavate an 18th century (1713-1768) cemetery located on Rochefort Point, at the Fortress of Louisbourg, NS. Over the years, Fallon has participated in numerous excavations for community-based research projects and natural resource industries, including Oil & Gas and Forestry.

Fallon is currently working towards achieving Field Directorship status for the Interior Plateau of British Columbia, and has plans to continue her education and obtain a Masters degree. This will not only increase her knowledge base, but will also progress her career by allowing her to hold archaeological research permits in Alberta. Her favourite part of Cultural Resource Management is experiencing various environments and observing the land-use dynamics between prehistoric/modern humans, animals, and the ever-changing natural resource industries… and catching frogs, of course! In her personal time, she can almost always be found adventuring with her beloved German Shepherd, Gus.