Fallon Hardie's Blog Posts

By Fallon Hardie

February 12, 2025

Culturally Modified Trees of the Interior, British Columbia

A Foreword For the Archaeologists who’ve found themselves interested in the niches of Ecology and Landscape-Use-Dynamics, we tend to recognize the landscape as a dynamic whole; a manuscript of activities, knowledge, and ideologies that human societies have crafted and applied to the environments in which they live. However, Professional Consulting Archaeologists in Cultural Resource Management

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By Fallon Hardie

June 20, 2024

National Indigenous Peoples Day, 2024

The Role of Indigenous Engagement in the Stewardship of Cultural Landscapes National Indigenous Peoples Day is a celebratory holiday to commemorate the culture, heritage, and contributions of the Indigenous population of Turtle Island (Canada). This year, we would like to highlight the significance of Indigenous involvement in forestry-based archaeological assessments, and research programs throughout the

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By Fallon Hardie

February 3, 2023

Lanceolate Bifaces of The Interior Plateau, BC

Spear Points in the Forest In the summer of 2022, archaeologists Braedy Chapman and Fallon Hardie conducted archaeological impact assessments (AIA’s) on emergency wildfire rehabilitation developments. These developments were constructed to manage the spread and impact of wildfire throughout the Interior Plateau of British Columbia. Long stretches of forest have been scraped or bladed to

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