Madeline Coleman's Blog Posts

December 8, 2021
Hazards of the Job – Deep Trenches
Archaeology may not be as dangerous as portrayed in popular shows like Indiana Jones but we often overlook a very common fatal hazard.
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March 8, 2021
Cecily Margaret Guido (Peggy Piggott)
Books and movies, like The Dig (author John Preston and director Simon Stone), reintroduce us to people in our archaeological history that have either been forgotten or downplayed by societal norms of the time. They encourage us to dig into the past to discover who these people were, and how they contributed to the advancement
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August 28, 2018
Muddy Lab Secrets
The mud we slog through in the field doesn’t always stay in the field. It’s wrapped around a lot of the artifacts we find, and ends up in our sample bags. Once we get back from the field, we start the process of washing all the artifacts. As the sediment is brushed away, some of
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July 18, 2018
The Whiskey Jack!
In 2015 a two year poll was issued by Canadian Geographic for a new National Bird. In the end, our little Grey Jay took the lead, beating out the common loon, black-capped chickadee, snowy owl, and Canadian Goose. Although not officially recognized as the new National bird yet, it was selected as an avian representation
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May 17, 2018
Camp Fire Hazards
It’s that time of year again! Living in Alberta, we all know how disastrous a forest fire can be. No one wants to see fires tear through their homes and communities, like what has happened previously to Fort McMurray or Slave Lake. These fires are dangerous, unpredictable, and destructive. Many of us at Tree Time
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March 20, 2018
Water crossings are something we come across on a daily basis in the boreal forest. Sometimes we are fortunate to work in areas with active hunters or forestry layout crews, and can use the bridges they have already constructed. These brides can be cut logs laid across a deep, but narrow water channel, while others
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March 9, 2018
Tree Time Gals!
International Women’s Day is a great opportunity to talk about women in our past that have paved the way in some fashion. Without the Famous Five women would not have been recognized as persons in Canada as early as we were. Women like Zelia Nuttal, challenged the norm and pursued something she truly loved, expanding our
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December 4, 2017
Public Archaeology at the Brazeau Reservoir
Public archaeological programs are an excellent opportunity for people with a general interest in archaeology or amateur archaeologists to learn what an artifact is, and to practice the techniques that are used to find and interpret them. Often these programs will have a dig component, where people join for a few days or a week,
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November 1, 2017
What do you see?
Everyone will interpret shapes and lines their own way. But once someone points out an image they see, sometimes you wonder “how did I not see that?”. A member of the Paul First Nations group took one look at this biface (from the Brazeau Reservoir) and saw a Bison. Can you see it? Scroll down
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September 27, 2017
Moose on the Loose!
As Brian and I headed back to Swan Hills, we turned the corner and saw this fella chilling on the trail! The forest to either side of the trail, having been harvested in the last decade or so, had young trees growing tightly together, making it difficult for the moose to make his escape. We
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