Tag: obsidian
By Braedy Chapman

July 2, 2023
Top sites of 2022, BC edition
Field operations in British columbia 2022 marked Ember Archaeology’s first year of significant field operations in British Columbia. Our BC crews conducted a number of sizable wildfire-related projects for the BC Ministry of Forests over the course of the season, ultimately surveying hundreds of kilometers of constructed fireguards and fuel reduction developments. These were nearly
Keep ReadingTags: 100 Mile House | Anaheim Peak | Archaeology | Arrowstone Hills | Athapaskan | Baezaeko River | Biface | British Columbia | Cache Creek | Chilcotin | CRM | Dacite | Early Nesikep | Interior Plateau | Lehman Phase | Lithics | Maiden Creek | Nazko | obsidian | projectile point | Side notched | Sites
By Corey Cookson

October 1, 2020
Top 10 Sites of 2019!
We are heading into the fall of 2020 and the season crunch is in full swing! We have been pretty busy, despite the challenges of COVID-19, and have found quite a few new and exciting sites. This makes us recall the sites of 2019! It was hard to make time to write up what we
Keep ReadingTags: Bear Gulch Idaho | bone awl | core | Foothills | hafted knife | hearth | Knife River Flint | microblade | Mount Edziza | Niton Junction | Nordegg | obsidian | Paskapoo Chert | projectile point | pXRF | Rocky Mountain House | Slave Lake | Sundre | Sundre Forest Products | Swan Hills | Vanderwell Contractors | Weyerhaeuser Pembina Timberlands
By Brian Leslie

April 15, 2020
No volcanoes in Alberta, so where does the Obsidian come from?
When working close to an obsidian source (i.e. volcanoes), archaeologist will regularely find obsidian tools and debitage. However, in the boreal forests of northern Alberta, obsidian is a rare find indeed. So to find any evidence of it at all is pretty significant. Volcanic glass, or obsidian, is one of the sharpest naturally occurring materials
Keep ReadingTags: Alberta | blade technology | British Columbia | Fawcett River | mobility | Mount Edziza | obsidian | pXRF | Slave Lake | Smith | trade | volcanic glass
By Timothy Allan

March 19, 2020
Sourcing with pXRF (portable X-Ray Fluorescence)
“Sourcing” is the study of associating artifacts with their geologic origin in order to infer human transport of materials. This field of research has revealed networks of trade and exchange among indigenous peoples in pre-contact times. But how do researchers figure out the actual source? One method is with Portable X-Ray Fluorescence (pXRF) analysis. These
Keep ReadingTags: Indigenous Peoples | Lithics | obsidian | pXRF | sourcing | stone tools | trade networks
By Corey Cookson

April 4, 2019
Where does the Obsidian we find come from?
Obsidian is a volcanic glass that was used by pre-European contact people all over North America. Known for its natural sharpness, ancient peoples sought the material for making tools for cutting and slicing. Additionally, it is easier to flintknap than the harder and more readily available materials local to Alberta. As many of our readers
Keep ReadingBy Corey Cookson

April 24, 2018
Tree Time’s 2017 Top Five Sites
Now that all the reporting is done, we thought it was a good time to look back on some of the exciting sites we worked on from the past year. We usually find over 100 sites every year but these sites stand out either because we found interesting artifacts or the site is unique compared
Keep ReadingTags: Alberta Point | Baffin Island | Beasant | Fawcett Lake | Foothills | Forestry | Hammerstone | Hell Gap | Lesser Slave Lake | Nordegg | Nunavut | obsidian | Rocky Mountain House | Slave Lake | sod house | Swan Hills | trade networks