Tag: severe weather

May 9, 2019
Wind Storm in the Slave Lake Region Aids in the Discovery of Giant Archaeological Site.
In July of 2017, some forests in the vicinity of Slave Lake experienced catastrophic blow down when a fast moving storm swept through central Alberta. The large storm system caused high winds and localized flooding in many areas, including Slave Lake and Edmonton. It also dropped golf ball sized hail on Drayton Valley and spawned
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March 13, 2018
Lightning Trees
Last year, while conducting survey with Brittany in a remote region of northern Alberta, I noticed some unusual scarring on a large spruce tree. Upon closer examination I realized the tree had been struck by lightning. Usually when lightning hits a tree, one of three things may happen: If the tree is wet on the
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July 26, 2017
Wild Weather
Weather can change very quickly in the foothills. From one day to the next, and within the day itself. The following photos were taken all on the next day. The weather can also change a lot depending on your elevation. In order to get out of the valley we were in we had to drive
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