Category: Local Archaeology

By Alyssa Hamza

February 7, 2022

Glossary Series – Fire Cracked Rock

Fire Cracked, or Broken, Rock (FCR or FBR) is a type of artifact found at many archaeological sites in Alberta. It is created by heat cycling a stone (eg. heating it up and then cooling it off). If the stone is cooled very quickly, it can fracture, or even explode! Repeatedly heat cycling a rock

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By Kurtis Blaikie-Birkigt

January 7, 2022

Help! My Child wants to be an ARCHAEOLOGIST!

We get many questions from parents with children interested in archaeology. Is archaeology really a job? What classes does my child need to take to be an archaeologist? Can it be a career? Like any professional field, if your not an archaeologist, you likely aren’t aware of the specifics. Ember Archaeology is here to help!

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By Andreas Korsos

November 18, 2021

You Are Never Truly Alone

The hair stands up on the back of your neck and nearby a twig snaps... Are you being watched?

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By Tim Allan

November 8, 2021

Animal Tracks – Wolves

Wolves are majestic, mysterious and terrifying. But of all the undomesticated animals, wolves probably have the closest relationship with humans. While co-existing with humans for tens of thousands of years, wolves have been the subject of myth, legend and persecution. The Evolution of Wolves The earliest known Subfamily of Caninae (the subfamily of which wolves

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By Vincent Jankunis

September 1, 2021

A tangible moment in time…

“What is the coolest thing you have found?” - In this article Vince describes what he considers to be one of the coolest finds of his archaeological career.

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By Brian Leslie

March 26, 2021

What a Sweet Spot!

Have you ever been outside enjoying nature and thought to yourself – this sure is a sweet spot! Whether you are camping, fishing, hunting, or just enjoying the outdoors, there are certain aspects of our favorite spots that make them ideal and cherished. Nice sheltered level ground near the river – great for camping and

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By Corey Cookson

November 26, 2020

“If you move another step towards me, I’ll blow you to hell!” The story of Fort Whoop-Up and Whisky Trading Forts of Southern Alberta

In the 1860s, Southern Alberta was home to several American whisky trading posts that sold liquor and guns to the local Indigenous groups in exchange for bison robes. These transactions occurred despite the United States Law of 1832 that banned liquor sales to the Indigenous groups. One such fort was Fort Hamilton (Later renamed to

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By Corey Cookson

November 20, 2020

The 9 types of Medicine Wheels in Alberta

Most people are familiar with Medicine Wheels, either from popular culture or books such as “Canada’s Stonehenge” by Gordon Freeman. Many people might not know that while they are found all over the Northern Plains in Montana, Wyoming, and Saskatchewan, they are most numerous in southern Alberta. There are currently 57 documented medicine wheels in

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By Corey Cookson

October 1, 2020

Top 10 Sites of 2019!

We are heading into the fall of 2020 and the season crunch is in full swing! We have been pretty busy, despite the challenges of COVID-19, and have found quite a few new and exciting sites. This makes us recall the sites of 2019! It was hard to make time to write up what we

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By Brian Leslie

June 4, 2020

What’s in Your Bag?

Gear choice can have a big effect on your comfort level and efficiency while working in the forest. New workers, may have never been in the field and may not know what you really need to take for a full 12 hour day in the boreal forest. We expect to spend the entire day away

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